The History of Dodenskara

A great plague spread over the land. Resources were short, and those who had them began to hoard them for themselves. The people suffered. Died. Or disappeared. From this suffering emerged a force, a dwarf, called Hattah, the Dova.

The Dova, being a great warrior and strategist, knew that the only way to overcome his fate, the fate of many, was to unite the people of the hollow. First, he went south, to the Axefoots, a clan of bloodthirsty orcs, and promised them the one thing they desired above all else. More war. Now with an army, he travelled far to the west, to the Free People of Molentia, a small group of freedom fighters whose numbers dwindled from hunger, and whom the larger kingdom would neither aid nor – in their minds – release from servitude. He promised them vengeance on those who had oppressed them. In his travels, he encountered an orc named Mak’nok, who was the last surviving member of the Stalakets, who were wiped out by the disease sweeping the land. Mak’nok joined the Dova and found a new family.

Finally, the group travelled east, to the Templary of Nocturnus, a group of evangelicals who worshiped a debaucherous elf who had ascended to godhood, but had since died. The Templary joined the Dova because they believed that he too was a mortal destined to ascend to godhood. Some claim that it was their joining, the cementing of these four clans together, that would allow him to do so.

Leaders from the four clans, Thunc of the Axefoots, Jace of the Templary, Mak’nok of the Stalakets, and Lex of the Free People of Molentia, formed a council to govern their new allied power, under the command of The Dova. They called this new clan Dodenskara. And The Dova bestowed upon them the power of [redacted].

Under the leadership of The Dova, the people of Dodenskara waged war against the Laughing Dragons, and forced them into submission.

They captured an actual dragon, and sent it to a magical zoo.

They beat back a giant invasion.

They solidified a cantheon of worship, headed by the great Lord Surge.

They established a new capitol city for their people, and built a stronghold around it, which they called Drutha.

And they built a single, massive warship, to constitute their navy. The ship was infused with the flesh of enemy treants, large enough to house a fighting arena within it, and capable of flight, and interplanar travel through portals. Because this ship was as great as their city, and would serve as a mobile version of their stronghold and their capitol, it was also named Drutha.

This ship became essential when Thunc was [redacted] and brought into the feywild. The Dova ordered Dodenskara to find Thunc. They sailed their ship through a portal, to the other plane, but unfortunately, The Dova did not come with them. That same night, The Dova disappeared. It is believed that when the ship travelled between the planes, The Dova was sent not to the feywild, but to the Astral Plane, to join the cantheon as a full god.

In the feywild, the summer and winter fey were feuding, as they always do. Dodenskara joined the fighting on the side of [redacted]. While there, Mak’nok found a ball of prophecy. With the help of a healer, Mak’nok shoved the ball of prophecy into the head of a guard, thus creating the Astronomicon, Del, called the Oracle.

Eventually, they managed to find their missing comrade. With Thunc retrieved, Dodenskara attempted to return to their home plane. However, someone mentioned islands. One of the members, Margo, decided that she wanted the islands, and then the airship crashed. Some members of Dodenskara tried to recover data about the crash from the black box, but because the ship was built by orcs, the black box is literally a black box. It is still unknown the full cause of the crash.


This document was prepared by Del the Oracle, based on the oral recollections of people who have poor concepts of time, science, and the written word, absolutely no concept of spelling, are often intoxicated, and may have been so during the recounting of this history.