2025 the Story Thus Far…

2025 the Story Thus Far…

1/12/2025 – The seas were filled with the dead as the Army of the Dead moved toward the Islands of Sorrow. They intended to destroy that neutral bastion and disrupt trade along the waterways of the Realm. Despite their exhaustive efforts, the living defeated the dead, sinking most of their ships. Warspite engaged with uncharacteristic seamanship and House Stormholm unveiled new galleons. Powerful vessels which pushed the smaller undead ships aside. House Gaia Garda attempted the rough waters of the islands with a swamp skiff which sank, despite this they fought valiantly throughout the battle. House Dodenskara chose a different approach. They hovered deftly above the water using their magic.

The living won this battle. 

1/26/2025 – A call to the Sleeping Citadel in the heart of the ruins of Dartheim was answered by the King’s Forces. Bendoria and Gaia Garda set on fending off more of the dead from entering the Citadel while Stormholm and Dodenskara led the charge to push through the waves of undead pouring through every crack, coffin, and corridor. The army of Dartheims formerly inactive Undead were being raised by a dark ritual to create a Royal Ghoul that transforms zombies into its own kind. Fighting through the narrow caverns, the first force was being surrounded before the Cleric Kizen purified the area with a protective blessing allowing them to push forward without fear of attack from the rear. The poisonous claws of the ghouls slashed out at them, attempting to stop the living from passing through. Upon reaching the final chamber a door began to close, sealing out those who couldn’t make it past the massive stone now blocking the path. Before them was a room filled to the brim with undead and a towering mummy wielding ancient weapons as he led the ritual. With a mighty final push from Warspite, the undead were cleared out and the ritual was thwarted with the scaled Warrior Aelynn claiming an Ancient Magic Sword, the Dawn Blade!

A glorious victory for the realm in the fight against the undead horde!
The living won this battle. 
2/9/2025 – forthcoming…

2/25/2025 – When the King declared a state of emergency, he summoned thee, brave adventurers, to aid the Master of Coin in escorting and defending three vital caravans. For an ambush by the undead horde had scattered the precious stores of rations, gold, and elixirs. Yet, ye did prevail. The realm bore witness to a valorous alliance of noble houses, united even in the aftermath of the haughty assault by House Gaia Garda upon StormHolm. By thy valor, the crown’s infrastructure is now secured for future defenses and commerce. The rations shall be dispatched to distant regions where stalwart warriors repel the tide of the undead, and the elixirs shall be borne to healing camps throughout the realm, tending to a multitude of wounded souls. Hark, ye inhabitants of legend, a dire warning awaits: Though ye have succeeded, the undead grow ever mightier and more organized with each passing day. Soon shall the King dispatch his ravens, calling forth volunteers to cast aside their hesitations and rally in defense of Norda Stello.

A glorious victory for the realm in the fight against the undead horde!
The living won this battle.