His Majesty the King
Nada Zukonian
Nada Zukonian took the throne on November 17th in year 11 of the common era (2024). He is set to be coronated in December of 2024. He took the throne from Castracia Regnant without contest and became the 10th Monarch of the Realm. While his rule has just begun, we are excited to welcome our new King.
All Hail the King!
The Noble Court
The Noble Court is an unofficial name for all of the Nobles in the Realm of Legend. It is possible for a player to have one character be a noble and for another character not to be. In fact, that is normal. Nobles are organized into two different categories: landed and by virtue. Landed Nobles rule the Noble Houses, but Nobles-By-Virtue have their title for past actions, current deeds, or simply because their House fell into ruin. Every noble is a member of the House of Lords, but only the Landed Nobles may vote to veto proposals. Otherwise all Nobles vote on the bestowal of titles, noble orders, and the elevation of noble titles.
The Small Council – His Majesty has elected to adopt a small council during his reign.
Hand of the Queen – Baron Sinskar of House Stormholm
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard – Master Swank Graywolf
Grand Maester – Lord Sour Zukonian, Master Cleric
Master of Coin – Lord Hiroshi Shinokao
Master of Laws – Master Amadeus Zukonian, KB
Master of Ships – Count Grai Zukonian
Master of War – Archduke Bruener Sharpspear
Master of Whisperers – Baron Dingo Zukonian
Other Members of the Court – His Majesty has named other members of the Realm to his court.
King’s Herald – TBD
Kingsguard – Baroness Gianna LaFara, Lady Croc of Warspite, Lady Firecracker of Warspite, Lady Kimi Shizue of House Stormholm